Select Board Meetings
The Select Board meets at 8:00 a.m. the first and third Saturday of each month at the Cooper Town Office. (Meetings begin at 9:00 am during daylight savings months - November - March only on the first Saturday of the month). The phone number is 454-3901. Meeting changes will be posted on the town website and at the Cooper Town Office when possible.
Planning Board Meetings
The Cooper Planning Board meets at 9:00 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Town Office. Meeting changes will be posted on the town website and at the Cooper Town office when possible.
Building Committee Meetings
The Building Committee (formerly called the Cathance Grange Hall/Cooper Community Center Committee) has evolved into a function of the Select Board. If you have a question or concern, please contact the Select Board.
Tax Assessor Meetings
The Cooper Tax Assessors meet regularly at the Cooper Town Office. Contact a Tax Assessor if interested in attending the next meeting.
Do you have news to report?
You can share your timely and interesting news with our correspondents by contacting:
The Calais Advertiser - Laurie Pike - 214-7335 - [email protected]
The Quoddy Tides - Karen Holmes - 454-2583
The Calais Advertiser - Laurie Pike - 214-7335 - [email protected]
The Quoddy Tides - Karen Holmes - 454-2583